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Andoe, Joe

Tulsa, Oklahoma, 5 december 1955

Biografie: Joe Andoe

Joe Andoe is an American artist, painter, and author. His works have been featured in exhibits internationally and also numerous museums including the Denver Art Museum, the Detroit Institute of Art, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, and the Whitney Museum of American Art. He is the author of the book Jubilee City: A Memoir at Full Speed (P.S.), which is a memoir about his life.

Andoe loved to draw as a child but he never created any artwork until he was in college. Andoe first realized that painting could be his career when he was enrolled in community college studying agricultural business. He was taking an elective class in art history when he learned about artists such as Robert Smithson and Dennis Oppenheim. He soon changed his major an eventually earned a Master's Degree in Art from the University of Oklahoma in 1981.

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