Collectie Japanse Woodblock prints
3 november 2009

Momenteel verkopen wij een unieke collectie Japanse woodblock prints. De collectie bevat 37 werken van bekende Japanse kunstenaars uit voornamelijk de 19de eeuw. Hierna vindt u een overzicht van de werken die deel uitmaken van deze collectie met titel, afmeting en prijs. De werken zijn na telefonische afspraak in Oirschot te bezichtigen. Mocht u bijkomende informatie wensen dan kunt u contanct met ons opnemen op het nummer 0499 790 620.
883. Toyohara Kunichika 1835-1900.
Scene uit Kabukispel. Ong. 1880. 23 x 36 cm.
€ 375,-
884. Toyohara Kunichika 1835-1900.
Pride of Tokio. Morita's Hotan. 1896. 22 x 33 cm.
€ 375-
885. Ando Hiroshige 1797-1858.
Scene 10 uit Kabukispel Chushingura. 1855. 23 x 35 cm
€ 375,-
887. Utagawa Kunisada 1786-1865.
Scene uit Kabukispel Chushingura. +/- 1850. 24 x 36 cm
€ 400,-
888. Toyohara Kunichika 1835-1900.
Scene uit Kabukispel. +/- 1880. 24 x 36 cm.
Rechtsboven enige kleine restauraties.
€ 375,-
889. Ando Hiroshige 1797-1858.
Gyosho Tokaido. Plaats Yokkaichi 1841. 21 x 32,5 cm.
Restauraties met rijstpapier aan hoeken en randen.
€ 375,-
890. Toyohara Kunichika 1835-1900.
Kabuki Akteur Ichikawa Kyuzo 1893. 24,5 x 35 cm.
€ 440,-
891. Mizuno Toshikata 1866-1908.
Kuchi-e (huiselijk tafereel) +/- 1890. 21 x 26,5 cm.
€ 375,-
893. Toyohara Chikanobu 1838-1912.
Shogun te paard. 1891. 23 x 35 cm.
Zeer klein gerestaureerd gaatje in papier.
€ 475,-
894. Toyohara Kunichika 1835-1900.
Kabuki acteur Ichikawa Sadanji. 1893. 24 x 35 cm.
€ 345,-.
895. Katsuyuki Nishijima Geb. 1945.
Portaal van klassiek huis met lampion. Ong. 1985. 21 x 29 cm.
€ 330,-
896. Shiro Kasamatsu 1898-1992.
Sanmon poort van Zojo tempel, Tokio. 1953. 25,5 x 36 cm.
€ 475,-
897. Utagawa Kunisada 1786-1865.
Scene uit Kabukispel. 1857. 23,5 x 35 cm.
€ 375,-
898. Utagawa Kunisada 1786-1856.
Scene uit Kabukispel. +/- 1850. 24 x 35 cm.
Gerestaureerd gaatje rechts onder.
€ 345,-.
899. Utagawa Kunisada 1786-1865.
Sho, de handelaar. +/- 1825. 25 x 36 cm.
€ 345,-
900. Taiso Yoshitoshi 1839-1892.
Aanval te paard. 1886. 24 x 35 cm.
901. Utagawa Kunisada 1786-1865.
Kabukispel, acteur Segawa Kikunojo 1829. 24,5 x 37 cm.
Restauraties in hoeken, papier versterkt..
€ 440,-
902. Teruhide Kato Geb. 1936.
Karuma tempel met kersenbloesem +/- 1985. 14 x 33 cm.
€ 345,-
903. Katsuyuki Nishijima Geb. 1945.
Portaal van klassiek huis met doeken. Ong. 1985. 21 x 29 cm.
€ 345,-
904. Toyokuni Utagawa 1769-1825.
Kabuki acteur Ichikawa Danjuro +/- 1810. 23 x 35 cm.
Verschillende restauraties met rijstpapier.
€ 440,-
905. Utagawa Kunisada II 1823-1880.
Scene uit Gemji serie 1864. 23,5 x 35 cm.
Verticale vouw in midden van beeld.
€ 375,-
906. Toyohara Chikanobu 1838-1912.
Deelafbeelding van Takesago 1880. 23,5 x 36 cm.
€ 375,-
907. Saku-Ichi (verdere gegevens onbekend).
Tokio, uitbeelding van maand januari. +/- 1900. 22 x 31 cm.
€ 345,-
908. Inoue Yasuji 1864-1889.
Straat in sneeuwstorm +/- 1880. 26,5 x 39,5 cm.
Latere druk met oorspronkelijke drukblokken.
€ 375,-
909. Kobayashi Kiyochika 1847-1915.
Brug en terras bij tempel Kameido. +/- 1880. 26,5 x 39 cm.
Latere druk met oorspronkelijke drukblokken.
€ 375,-
910. Fusatane. Actief ong. 1840-1880.
Vrouw met parasol onder kersenbloesem. +/- 1850. 22,5 x 33,5 cm.
€ 425,-
911-914. Toyohara Kunichika 1835-1900
Kabuki Theater +/- 1885 Triptiek 69 x 34 cm.
€ 875,-
915-918. Utawawa Kunisada 1786-1865
Kabubispel ‘Ehon Gappo Gatsu' 1850. Triptiek 75 x 34,5 cm.
Vertikale vouwen midden in beeld.
€ 965,- (3 st.)
919-922. Toyohara Kunichika 1835-1900
Kabuki Theater ‘The Spear Holder' +/- 1885 Triptiek 72 x 35,5 cm.
€ 975,- (3 st.)
925-928. Toyohara Chikanobu 1838-1912.
Jaarlijkse tocht van Daimio naar Shogun 1897. Triptiek. 69,5 x 35 cm.
€ 910,- (3 st.)
929-932. Toyohara Chikanobu 1838-1912.
Shogun inspecteerd proef met buskruid. 1897. Triptiek. 69,5 x 35 cm.
€ 950,- (3 st.)
933-935. Utagawa Kunisada 1786-1865.
Kabuki Theater. Zeven goede eigenschappen. 1855. 47,5 x 34 cm.
Kleine restauratie in rechter plaat.
€ 535,- (3 st.)
936-939. Toyohara Chikanobu 1838-1912.
Jaarlijkse tocht van Daimio naar Shogun 1897. Triptiek. 69,5 x 35 cm.
€ 950,- (3 st.)
941-944. Toyohara Chikanobu 1838-1912.
Scene in Chiyoda paleis. +/- 1895. Triptiek. 69,5 x 35 cm.
€ 1.125,- (3 st.)
945-948. Utagawa Kunisada 1786-1865.
Kabuki Theater. Scene aan Nihonbashi brug. 1856. Triptiek 75 x 35 cm.
€ 810,- (3 st.)
949-952. Toyohara Kunichika 1835-1900
Kabuki Theater +/- 1885 Triptiek 72 x 35,5 cm.
€ 875,- (3 st.)
953-956. Hosai 1848-1920
Kabuki Scene +/- 1890. Triptiek 70,5 x 35 cm.
€ 875,- (3 st.)
Meer informatie over de kunstenaars waar in deze verkoop werken van worden aangeboden.
Fusatane Utagawa (active +/- 1850-1880) was a pupil of Sadafusa Utagawa. His landscape style is influenced by Hiroshige I. The emphasis of Fusatane's work is on landscapes, bijin (beautiful women) and genre scenes.
Kiyochika Kobayashi (1847-1915) studied western style and Japanese style oil painting. Later he turned to woodblock printing. During the Sino-Japanese war he depicted many war scenes on Ukiyo-e. His style is a synthesis of Western and Japanese painting style.
Chikanobu (1838-1912) had studied under Tohohara Kunichika whose surname he took. Favorite subjects are historical scenes, female images and prints showing emperor and empress Meiji in an environment that documented the rapid progress in adopting Western technology and customs. Chikanobu had adopted some Western styles and techniques, but his subjects were rather retrograde.
Kunisada (1786-1865) started his career as a pupil of Toyokuni I whose name he adopted in 1844 as Toyokuni III. He changed his names several times - a fact that is a bit confusing for the less experienced ukiyo-e collector. In the ukiyo-e literature and catalogues he is mostly referred to as Kunisada or Toyokuni III. Kunisada was not only a brilliant print maker but also an excellent business man who had great commercial success.
Kunisada II (1823-1880) was a pupil of Kunisada. He signed his prints with Baido Kunimasa or Kunimasa III. He married his master's daughter in 1846 and took his master's name. After the death of Kunisada I, he started using the name of Toyokuni IV.
Toyokuni (1769-1825) was the son of a sculptor of puppets. His favorite subjects were beautiful women at the beginning of his careeer and later actor prints. He was a highly appreciated printmaker in his time and made the Utagawa school famous. His pupils later rivaled to adopt their master's artist name. His best-known students were Kunisada and Kuniyoshi. Kunisada who later called himself Toyokuni (he is referred to as Toyokuni III) eventually became head of the Utagawa School.
Katsuyuki Nishijima (1945- ) was born in Yamaguchi prefecture. He studied woodblock printmaking in Kyoto from 1964 to 1968. Nishijima is among those artists who are successful with subjects of old traditional Japanese houses - of the type that can still be found in Kyoto and in rural areas. Nishijima's woodblock prints include a series 'Sixty-Nine Stations of the Kiso Kaido' and 'Kyoto Street Scenes'.
Teruhide Kato (1936- ) had studied at Kyoto Art College. Destiny made him a famous kimono fashion designer. When he was 50 years old, he decided to follow his real passion, and became a traditional Kyoto woodblock artist. Success remained with the artist. After a gallery exhibition in New York and a book publication of his works titled "Kyoto Romance" he is as famous as a woodblock artist as he used to be as a kimono designer.
Yoshitoshi (1839-1892) is considered to be one of the greatest artists of the Meiji era. He started his career as a pupil of Kuniyoshi. Yoshitoshi produced a number of famous print series during his lifetime - the most famous ones being the '100 Aspects of the Moon', series about beautiful women and his ghost series. Until his early fourties, the artist's life was a struggle for financial survival. Only in his late years he found public recognition and commercial success. Yoshitoshi suffered from depression and mental illness and died at the age of 53 from a cerebral hermorrhage.
Shiro Kasamatsu (1898-1992) was a student of Kaburagi Kiyokata. He started creating woodblock prints for the publisher Watanabe in 1919. Until the late 1940s he had designed more than 50 prints for Watanabe. In the 1950s he published bird and animal prints, landscapes and "famous views" with the publisher Unsodo - alltogether more than 100. Shiro Kasamatsu worked in Shin Hanga and Sosaku Hanga style.
Kunichika (1835-1900) was a pupil of Chikanobu and of Kunisada. He was given the artist name Kunichika which is a combination of the names of his two masters. His favorite subjects were Kabuki actors and historical scenes. Kunichika is considered to be one of the last masters of the traditional Ukiyo-e style.
Toshikata Mizuno (1866-1908) studied the art of woodblock making with Taiso Yoshitoshi from the early age of 13. At the age of 20 he became a porcelain painter. He later worked as an illustrator and print maker. Toshikata Mizuno produced many Sino-Japanese war prints. Other preferred subjects are beautiful women, children and kuchi-e.
Hiroshige (1797-1858) was born as the son of a fire warden. He started his career as a woodblock engraver. Hiroshige's fame is based on his landscape designs. Famous are his prints of the Tokaido, a kind of highway system in ancient Japan connecting Edo and Kyoto. Hiroshige produced more than 30 series on the Tokaido. His compositions were influenced by Western art. After his death his prints had a great impact on French impressionism.
Yasuji Inoue (1864-1889) was born in Kawagoe. He was a student of Kobayashi Kiyochika. Like his master he was influenced by French impressionism. The favorite subjects of Inoue were landscapes. His works are similar in style to those of his master. He died at the age of only 25.
This artist took a confusing number of names. His original name is Takenouchi Hidehisa. He is also known as Utagawa Kunisada III and Baido Hosai (1848-1920) - a name he took in his early life. In 1889 he took the name of Kunisada III. And later he claimed to be Toyokuni IV. As this name was already taken by someone else he has to be considered Toyokuni V. Besides a confusing number of names, he produced illustrations and Russo-Japanese War prints.